Riešenie pre 5G siete

Keysight Technologies

5G Solutions for Mobile Network Operators

Network Security Test Solutions

Keysight delivers deep expertise in radio frequency
(RF) design and Internet Protocol (IP) networking through an industry-leading integrated portfolio. Keysight can help mobile network operators accelerate the delivery of secure, reliable, and cost-effective 5G networks and innovative services.

Closer information HERE.

5G network and UE emulation

Ixia Visibility Solutions

Keysight’s 5G Network Emulation Solutions enable the 5G device ecosystem to accelerate from development to deployment. The solutions span and connect the entire device workflow from R&D and design validation, to conformance verification, carrier acceptance and manufacturing.

Closer information HERE.

Nemo Outdoor 5G NR Drive Test Solution

Validate Network Functionality and aplication performance

Nemo Outdoor offers a broad range of testing options and support for all the newest technologies including 5G NR, NB-IoT, LTE-M, 5CC carrier aggregation, VoLTE/ ViLTE, VoWiFi/ ViWiFi, 4x4 MIMO, and eMBMS testing.

Closer information HERE.

5G virtual drive testing

Wireless Solutions - Deploy with Confidence

Keysight’s Virtual Drive Testing (VDT) Toolset enables users to evaluate, characterize, and optimize the performance of 5G NR mobile devices, chipsets and network infrastructure. As a repeatable, realistic and automated lab-based performance and interoperability test solution, VDT Toolset accelerates new design development from prototype to fully functioning 5G devices.

Closer information HERE.

Need some other solution? Please have a look at www.keysight.com/find/5G Need a 5G demo/evaluation?


5G UE emulation RAN and core testing platform

Network Security Test Solutions

Are you ready for 5G? With the implementation of 5G over the next decade, both network equipment manufacturers (NEMs) and operators will face new challenges in testing their hardware, software, and end-to-end deployments. 5G technology is quite different from 4G/Long Term Evolution (LTE) and will bring together some of the most challenging aspects of existing approaches. Trust Ixia to find answers to these challenging questions.

More information HERE.

5G RAN functional and performance testing

Ixia Visibility Solutions

Unlike the 4G/LTE RAN, changes in the 5G RAN makes it necessary to test the architecture's modular and flexible nature at high scale and performance. To accomplish this, Ixia's 5G RAN test solution is flexible, modular, and scalable to support different 5G split architectures. It comes in a compact footprint with the potential to grow up to 4,000 UEs to validate the most complex mobility scenarios.

More information HERE.

ETS Lindgren

5G anténne a OTA testovacie systémy

Network Security Test Solutions

Podrobné informácie tu: www.ets-lindgren.com/products/test-systems/wireless-solutions




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H TEST SLOVAKIA, spol. s r.o.
Černyševského 10
851 01 Bratislava - mestská časť Petržalka

+421 917 765 249
Ing. Ambrózai

H TEST SLOVAKIA, spol. s r.o.
Černyševského 10
851 01 Bratislava - mestská časť Petržalka

+421 917 765 249
Ing. Ambrózai

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